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10 Main Reasons Why You Were Rejected by the Job Interviewer

rejected from job interveiwDid you ever experience of being rejected by your interviewer? We know that majority of applicants had this experience. But have you ever asked yourself why were you not able to get the job? In this article we will list down 10 main reasons why you did not get the job.

1. Out of date contact number and off mobile phone. This is a big no no if you are applying for a job. What will you do if you called someone many times, and you only hear this, “Sorry! The number you dialed is not available, please try your call later.” Will you be happy or get irritated? Remember that you are not the only applicant who is applying for the job. There are more applicants waiting to be called. So before you pass your resume, make it sure that the number you included is correct. Also, do not turn off your mobile phone. Charge the battery if you see that it is almost drained. You do not know when will they call you. Always be prepared.
2. Unnecessary information in your resume. Before you give your resume, make it sure that all the important information is there. However, do not include unnecessary information that is not related to the job that you are applying. Employers do not have the time to read everything. A good resume has only 2 pages.
3. Unprofessional email address. Avoid an email address that looks like this: This kind of email address is unprofessional. It is advisable to create an email add that has your name and not too long.
4. Lacked of self confidence. Showing a lacked of self-confident during the interview is usually the reason why many applicants were rejected. Your poise, appearance, the way you talked is very important. The next time you have an interview,be confident of yourself.
5. Could not understand what you are saying. Always pronounce the words properly. Do not eat the words while you are talking. It is very irritating to an interviewer if he will not understand what you are saying.
6. Spoke badly about the past employers. Do not do this in front of your interviewer. He will also think that you will do it if you will leave his company.
7. Late for interview. To be late on your scheduled interview is unacceptable. Come on time or 30 minutes before the interview.
8. Weak handshake. Don’t you know that a weak handshake shows a weak personality and a lack of self confidence? So the next time you give a handshake, make it firm and smile.
9. No manners. When you are in front of your job interviewer, do not:
  • chew bubble gum
  • bite your fingernails
  • cross your legs when you sit down
  • talk loud
  • clean your ear and nose using your finger.
  • etc.
10. Overaggressive and over self-confident. If you are a person who thinks that you are the best especially to your interviewer, then this is a way that you will not get hired. Do not boast of yourself. Be humble.
The next time you will have an interview, please do not forget these 10 things before, during, and after the interview. Good luckSmile