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16 reasons you are not hired even you have a good resume

Here are the actual reasons given by employers why they did not hire people who had good resumes but did not pass the interview. Make sure you're not one of them!

1. "The applicant had a poor personal appearance.
2. "The person lacked self-confidence, he seemed to be in doubt and was kind of shy."
3. "The applicant was unable to express himself clearly...I couldn't understand what he was saying."
4. "I noticed the applicant was overaggressive, he was too hyper."
5. "She was too nervous and lacked the poise I wanted to see."
6. "He was rude and had no manners. He would butt in even when I haven't finished asking."
7. "He did not have a clear set of goals in life."
8. "The applicant would try to avoid answering some questions."
9. "Too many job seekers expect too much too soon; they don't want to start from the bottom."
10. "The applicant was too profit-oriented; he wanted to know how much he would make right away."
11. "She spoke badly about her past employers...what would she say if she resigned later on after hiring her."
12. "His accompanying materials were incomplete and even had the tactlessness to requests for a rescheduling of the interview so he could have the complete forms."
13. "If the applicant is late to the interview, that automatically lessens his or hr chances of getting accepted."
14. ""The applicant had a weak handshake and ignored my eye-to-eye contact; he wasn't the people oriented employee I was looking for."
15. "One person I interviewed displayed immaturity...he would insist on doing things the way he wanted it."
16. "If the applicant has no question about the company or the position even if you ask him or her if she has any questions, then he or she isn't meant for the job at all."

An interview session can either make or break you. So make sure you won't end up with one of these reasons.

Taken from "How to win the job you want."